ARM Pensions
Employees say this is a great place to work
Présentation de l'entreprise
À propos de l'entreprise
RM Pension Managers (PFA) Ltd is one of the first seven Pension Fund Administrators (PFA) granted license by the National Pension Commission in December 2005. It is part of the Asset & Resource Management Company Limited (ARM) Group, one of Nigeria’s most prominent and respected financial service brands. We have pre-eminent reputation in Investment Management, Research and Pension Fund Management.
Culture d’entreprise chez ARM Pensions
Comparaison des résultats avec un benchmark au Luxembourg
Plus d’informations sur le modèle71% des employés chez ARM Pensions considèrent que c'est une entreprise où il fait bon travailler compared to 57% of employees at a typical company .
Source: Great Place to Work® 2021 Global Employee Engagement Study
Management is competent at running the business.
This is a physically safe place to work.
Management is honest and ethical in its business practices
I feel I make a difference here.
People here are given a lot of responsibility.