Norrenberger Group

Norrenberger Group


Employees say this is a great place to work

Présentation de l'entreprise

À propos de l'entreprise

Norrenberger Group is a leading integrated financial services group that provides bespoke financial solutions that add value to their individual and institutional clients.

Their culture is built on the fundamental values that they all hold. Every Norrenberger team member embraces these values and lives by them, not just at work, but in life.
At Norrenberger, they unlock opportunities in society by providing cutting edge investment options and access to alternative financing which in turn allows people to bring their innovative ideas to life and expand their existing businesses.
Their focus is to continue to create financial asset classes targeting the need of every single household in Nigeria. By 2025, they hope to have delivered at least one financial solution to every household.


Financial Services

Culture d’entreprise chez Norrenberger Group

Comparaison des résultats avec un benchmark au Luxembourg

Plus d’informations sur le modèle

84% des employés chez Norrenberger Group considèrent que c'est une entreprise où il fait bon travailler compared to 57% of employees at a typical company .

  • Norrenberger Group
  • 84%
  • Sociétés du benchmark
  • 57%

Source: Great Place to Work® 2021 Global Employee Engagement Study

This is a physically safe place to work.
I'm proud to tell others I work here.
Management is competent at running the business.
Management has a clear view of where the organisation is going and how to get there.
When I look at what we accomplish, I feel a sense of pride.


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