Teleperformance Nigeria

Teleperformance Nigeria


Employees say this is a great place to work

Présentation de l'entreprise

À propos de l'entreprise

Teleperformance is a global leader in solution design, business optimization strategies, front-office customer support, and back-office services like finance, accounting, collections, and tech support. With more than four decades of deep, industry-specific expertise and service innovation, Teleperformance offers the market’s most comprehensive service portfolio. They’ll handle the day-to-day operations while you focus on growing your business.


Professional Services

Culture d’entreprise chez Teleperformance Nigeria

Comparaison des résultats avec un benchmark au Luxembourg

Plus d’informations sur le modèle

80% des employés chez Teleperformance Nigeria considèrent que c'est une entreprise où il fait bon travailler compared to 57% of employees at a typical company .

  • Teleperformance Nigeria
  • 80%
  • Sociétés du benchmark
  • 57%

Source: Great Place to Work® 2021 Global Employee Engagement Study

When you join the company, you are made to feel welcome.
People here quickly adapt to changes needed for organisation's success
You can count on people to cooperate.
This is a physically safe place to work.
People here are treated fairly regardless of their gender.


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